Prednisone Abuse

Prednisone Abuse versus Anabolic Steroid Abuse

Human adrenal glands primarily secrete 3 types of hormones: mineralocorticoids (that maintain serum concentration of sodium, potassium and other hormones), glucocorticoids (that are released during stressful events to prepare the body to fight infections), and androgens (that are required to enhance secondary sexual characteristics and mimic testosterone in action). Excess secretion of androgens can lead to:

Anabolic steroids are mainly synthetic analogues of androgens (just as prednisone is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticoids).

What is Steroid Abuse and How is it Different From Prednisone Abuse?

It has been observed that some individuals abuse prednisone by increasing the dosage and duration of their prescription; however, it is important to highlight that prednisone is different from anabolic steroids (or exogenous androgens) that are consumed by athletes, bodybuilders and weightlifters to increase muscle mass in a short period of time.

Intentional abuse of prednisone is less common, since prednisone intake is not associated with notably positive or pleasurable effects. On the other hand, anabolic steroid abuse is fairly common in the general population, and according to latest estimates, approximately 10.2% of all male athletes consume anabolic steroids on a regular basis. The small percentage of individuals who abuse prednisone intentionally may confuse it with anabolic steroids.

What are the Hazards of Anabolic Steroid Abuse?

It may seem like a good idea to try to take a shortcut to a toned and muscular body with the help of anabolic steroids or androgens instead of using traditional methods like resistance training and gym exercises, but long-term steroid abuse is ultimately harmful for the body and may lead to these complications:

In females, anabolic steroid abuse leads to increased muscle mass and other masculine characteristics like male pattern hair loss, deepening of the voice, enlargement of female external genitalia, acne and appearance of facial hair.

Long- term complications of steroid abuse can lead to major health issues like:

What are the Hazards of Prednisone Abuse?

Individuals who abuse prednisone are at higher risk of developing these complications:

In a nutshell, abuse of anabolic steroids or prednisone (or other types of steroids) increases the risk of complications in the long run. It is recommended to educate young adolescents and athletes regarding potential side effects of anabolic steroids and prednisone to minimize the risk of long-term abuse and complications developing.

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