People Who Should Avoid Prednisone

Who Should Avoid Prednisone Consumption?

Prednisone is indeed a lifesaving medication in many cases; however, due to excessive and unregulated use of steroids, a number of complications and adverse effects are being reported.

This article entails some of the common conditions in which it is recommended to avoid prednisone intake:

When Should You Avoid Prednisone Consumption?

Impaired immunity:

Individuals who have a history of severe allergic response to prednisone should avoid consumption at all costs. Likewise those who have:

This is because steroid medications are capable of further deteriorating the immune functioning of the body, leading to an exaggerated infection.

Active disease or illness:

Other common situations in which prednisone intake should be avoided include:

Endocrinological issues:


Research data suggests that a dose of more than 8 mg/day for a period of more than 5 years can lead to significant osteoporosis, bone weakening, bone pains and higher risk of fractures. Some interesting trends were noted in the research published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, according to which the risk of vertebral or spinal fractures is highest in prednisone users (who consume a dose of more than 7.5 mg/day).

Previous data and statistics for long-term prednisone users suggest that the risk and severity of side effects increase significantly in individuals who have a low serum albumin concentration. As a result of extensive research conducted by scientists, it has been observed that low serum concentration of albumin (less than 2.5 g/ 100 ml) doubles the chances of adverse reactions to prednisone. This conclusion was drawn from the data collected by serial investigations of 240 admitted patients who were on a prednisone regimen for a variety of indications[1].

When to See a Doctor?

Contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing:

It is recommended to avoid prednisone intake for long periods (unless therapy is absolutely necessary) and there is a consensus that the risks and side effects can be largely minimized if periodic medical assessment is sought.

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  1. Lewis, G., Jusko, W., Burke, C., & Graves, L. (1971). Prednisone side-effects and serum-protein levels: a collaborative study. The Lancet, 298(7728), 778-781.
  2. McDougall, R., Sibley, J., Haga, M., & Russell, A. (1994). Outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving prednisone compared to matched controls. The Journal of rheumatology, 21(7), 1207-1213.
  3. Van Staa, T. P., Leufkens, H. G. M., Abenhaim, L., Zhang, B., & Cooper, C. (2000). Use of oral corticosteroids and risk of fractures. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 15(6), 993-1000.